Equipment Family and Model Definition

Equipment Family and Model Definition

Before data can be ingested into Open Kitchen, some higher-level information about the equipment to be integrated must be provided. This information is typically static information that does not change dynamically and is used to preconfigure the Open Kitchen presentation layer.

In the ConnectWare Data Dictionary spreadsheet document, this information is captured on the "Family" sheet.

Open Kitchen has the concept of equipment family (internally referred to as sensor_type) and equipment model (internally referred to sensor_type_model).  This concept makes it easy for developers to support families of equipment that are built on top of a common platform with a single codebase and single data dictionary.

When starting a new ConnectWare integration, the PhD team should be consulted to determine whether the device should be considered a new family or a new model for an existing family.  PhD will issue a FAMILY_ID and unique   MODEL_ID for every model supported by Open Kitchen/ConnectWare.


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