Multi-Cavity Implementation

Multi-Cavity Implementation

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  1. Cavity Key

  2. Cavity Label

Cavity Key

This is a flag that indicates that equipment model supports multiple cavities. E.g. Lanes, Chambers, Vats, Barrels, etc. The preferred way to send data to Open Kitchen when there are multiple cavities, is as an array of data in the data payload. In some controllers it is not possible to combine the cavity data into a single heartbeat message as an array. Instead of an array of values, the data is transmitted as scalar values, but with the additional Cavity Key which defines the cavity number for the payload received.

If the data is sent as an array, the Cavity Key should still be included in the data dictionary, and it is used by Open Kitchen internally for processing the array data.

Figure 4 MultiCavity Data Submission shows an example where the data is submitted as an array.

In Figure 5 Example of Single Cavity Data Submission the Cavity Key is defined as "cavity", and Cavity 3 is being transmitted by itself instead of the complete array of cavities.

By definition, "Cavity": 0 defines system level parameters/data associated with the main controller or the overall system. "Cavity" :1,2,3 ..n refers to data coming from the individual cavities.


Figure 4 MultiCavity Data Submission 

{ "kettle_detect": [0, 1, 1, 0], "mode": [1, 2, 2, 1], "set_temp": [1500, 1550, 1500, 1500], "act_temp": [920, 1525, 1489, 937], "system_voltage": 120, "system_status": 1, "current": [4, 237, 1800, 235], "wattage": [2, 125, 154, 3], "recipe": [null, "Hearty Vegetable", "Chili", null], "errors": ["00000001", "00000000", "00000010", "00000000"] }



Figure 5 Example of Single Cavity Data Submission

{ "cavity": 3, "kettle_detect": 1, "mode": 2, "set_temp": 1500, "act_temp": 1489, "system_voltage": 120, "system_status": 1, "current": 1800, "wattage": 154, "recipe": "Chili", "errors": "00000010" }




Cavity Label

Name to describe each individual cavity. E.g. Lane, Chamber, Vat, etc.

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