SSF Assertion: ./ports/linux/cwstate.c:91

/* Has it been more than 20 minutes since the last successful push? */ if ((PushSMGetLastSuccessfulPush() + NET_PUSH_FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT) < SSFPortGetTick64()) { /* Yes, force a reset of the application */ if (InitIsTraceEnabled()) printf("%s: NET: Recovery, restarting.\r\n", CWPortGetISOTimeStr()); SSF_ERROR(); // Line 91 }

Ensure that the assertion file and line number correspond to the article title and the above code snippet. If they do not, then this article will not help, and the Troubleshooting guide should be followed: Troubleshooting

As a failsafe, the VCWM process will stop execution if it is unable to push data to the OKC for 20 consecutive minutes. It is the responsibility of the target platform to automatically restart the VCWM process, see Embedded Linux Implementation RequirementsUNDEFINED.