Order Pick up

Order Pick up

Order can be pick up in three ways:

1. Providing order code: To provide the order code, user needs to select the order source type. Then typing the order code, the user will be navigated to the order pickup page and corresponding door will be opened.



Press the TAP TO START button



Select MOBILE PICKUP if it is a mobile order.

Otherwise, select DELIVERY PICKUP


Choose a delivery app if the order is not a mobile pickup.


A custom keyboard will be shown to provide the order code. Order source type logo will be shown just below the app bar and an instruction will be shown. If the instruction is not configured for that brand, a default instruction like “Enter your 3-digit order number“ in English will be shown.

2. Order pick up using QR code: If the order created using phone number, user will receive an SMS from where a QR code link can be found.

User can pickup the order scanning that QR code.


3. Order pick up from loaded tab: Order can be pick up by pressing the pick up button attached to the order in loaded tab.

Completing pickup: Door will automatically be opened for collecting products if the door has motorized capability after following any of the method described above.

The door(s) for the locker(s) that contain their order and the PICK UP ORDER SCREEN will indicate the locker location(s) for the order. The locker will be marked as white background with a tick sign. User needs to collect the order and close the door manually.

If the user closes the door leaving some order behind, a popup with the message “You left some items behind. Scan your QR or enter your code again to pick the up” will be shown.


Add Phone Number for Delivery Pickup (feature available in v2.4.7)

If any driver comes to pickup order but the order is not loaded yet, he can add his phone number so that the system can notify him after the order is loaded. To add the phone number the driver needs to follow the steps below:



Press the TAP TO START button.


Select Delivery PICKUP.


Choose a delivery app.


Enter the order number.


User will be navigated to this page if the order is not loaded.


Pressing cancel will inform the user to check back in a few minutes if the order is ready.


To choose the expected country, user can click on country name.


OK button will be enabled after a valid phone number is provided.


A confirmation message will be shown after pressing OK button.


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