User Mode

User Mode

There are two types of user mode for PUC application. Pickup mode and management mode. These modes can be configured from the configuration tool.

Pick-up Mode: 

Normally the front tablet is configured as pick up mode. Normal users interact with this mode. User can pickup order by providing the order code or scanning QR code. If any user wants to create an order, he needs to enter into management mode by giving the access code. 008 is the default access code. If this code is showing invalid password error, user needs to ask the support team for the correct access code. There is a timeout feature in pickup mode. User will be navigated back to the welcome page after becoming idle for 10 seconds.

Timeout in Pickup Mode: 

User will be navigated back to welcome page if the screen remains idle for a certain time. The time amount is given below for each screen:

  • 1 minute for order management screen

  • 1 minute for order creation screen

  • No timeout for order loading and unloading screen

  • 10 seconds for all other screens

Entering into order management mode:

  • On the Welcome Screen, press the brand logo at the top.

  • Press 008 on the keypad to access the ORDER MANAGEMENT screen.

    • If Invalid password error is shown, contact the support team for correct password.







Management Mode

For all kinds of order management like order creation, order loading or setting up locker temperature, user needs to be entered into this mode. The back tablet is set as management mode as by default though this can also be configured. There is no time out feature for the management mode tablet. User will be navigated to welcome page after 1 minute if it is in pickup mode. Following information will be shown in management screen.

  1. Loaded Tab: This tab will show all the loaded order.

  2. Queued Tab: This tab will show all the queued order.

  3. Lockers Tab: This tab will show lockers configuration

  4. Available Lockers Count will be shown in the top panel



Loaded Tab

All the loaded orders will be shown in this page. Order will be marked as green if it is ready to pick up. Order will be marked as red if order is expired. User can pick up or remove order from menu button. 

Order related information like order name, order source , locker name and elapsed time will be shown.

  1. User Name

  2. Order Source Type

  3. Locker Name

  4. Time elapsed since the order is ready


Queued Tab

All the queued orders will be shown in this tab. Order is sent to the queue automatically after creation. The order can also be queued by closing the opened door while loading. Related information like user name or order name, order source type and order creation time will be displayed. User can load the order from this page by pressing LOAD button. User can also remove the order by pressing X button.



Lockers Tab

The Lockers tab will show all the lockers based on their position. Locker positioning is set according to physical locker position. New locker can be added by daisy chaining. If the any locker is added or removed, application must be reinstalled.


Locker will be marked as green if it has a ready product inside. Locker will be marked as red if the product expires. ✓ mark indicates there has a product inside the locker. User can open all the doors at one time by pressing the “OPEN ALL DOORS” button. To see locker details user needs to click on the locker.

Locker details window contains the information of locker’s door as well as locker information.


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