Order Loading

Order Loading

Order can be loaded in three different ways:

  1. If there are enough lockers available while creating an order.


  2. If the user presses load button of any order from queued tab and there are enough lockers available to load the order.


  3. If the user scans the order loading QR code and there has enough lockers available to load the order. QR code can be created using any QR code generator from code_load field of the queued order. Queued orders can be fetched using this API link with proper authorization.



Order Loading Process:

After navigating to order loading page, required lockers will be opened if the locker can be opened automatically. Otherwise, user needs to open the locker manually. Placing item inside the opened locker and closing the door will complete the loading process. If the door is closed without placing any order, a pop with a message “Locker is empty. Removing locker from order.” will be shown. If this is last and final locker “Nothing loaded, order still queued.” popup will be shown.


If the order is loaded properly, the order will be shown in the loaded tab and an SMS will be sent to the user if the order has a valid phone number.

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