PUC - Epson TM-T88VI Integration Instructions


  1. Provide the printer’s serial number and what Pick Up Cabinets it should be associated with to Powerhouse Dynamics Customer Support

  2. Obtain the *** Wi-Fi & Ethernet Interface *** diagnostic printout from the printer

  3. Provide DHCP service to the Ethernet Interface on the printer

  4. Configure the network settings on the printer

  5. Configure the printer for Server Direct Print


1. Provide the printer’s serial number and what Pick Up Cabinets it should be associated with to Powerhouse Dynamics Customer Support

This kicks off the process on our side and allows Powerhouse Dynamics to generate a password for the printer and provide it to you via a secure channel. You will need this serial number and the password for configuration during steps 4 and 5, so keep both handy.


2. Obtain the ***Wi-Fi & Ethernet Interface*** diagnostic printout

Plug in the printer and attach the ethernet cable to the router.

There are two ways to obtain the printout:

a. Open the paper cover by pressing the light gray button on the side; a solid orange exclamation mark will light up

b. Hold down the feed button until the orange paper-roll light starts blinking

c. Release the feed button and close the paper cover


d. Depress the small recessed button on the back of the printer with the tip of the ballpoint pen until it prints the ***Wi-Fi & Ethernet Interface*** diagnostic printout

(Note: It is possible that the printer will have attachments that cover this button.)

Note: After the **Wi-Fi & Ethernet Interface*** diagnostic printout prints, a separate ---Server access test result--- diagnostic printout will print. Disregard this second slip: it can be tossed.

Note: If this printout includes the IP address then the DHCP is already set up and you can skip Step 3.


3. Provide DHCP service to the Ethernet Interface on the printer

A network engineer or IT professional will be able to do this using the slip printed from the last step. If the MAC address of the Ethernet Interface of the printer will be needed to authorize DHCP service to that Interface, it can be read from the *** Wi-Fi & Ethernet Interface *** diagnostic printout. Once the printer’s Ethernet Interface is authorized for DHCP service, if necessary, plug the printer into a network uplink with an Ethernet cable. After a delay during which the DHCP handshake is made, the “IP Address” diagnostic printout will print with a non-routable IP address assigned by the DHCP server.


4. Access the printer via the Epson web app

Open a web browser. On the search/URL bar, enter the IP address located on the ***WI-FI & Ethernet Interface*** printout. This will take you to the “Epson Net Config” web app login. The credentials are:

●  Username: epson

●  Password: <SerialNumberOfPrinter>

After logging in initially, we recommend you change the printer’s admin interface password away from its default and maintain the new password in your own password store. This is not strictly necessary for correct operation of the integration with Powerhouse Dynamics.


5. Configure the printer for Server Direct Print

Click the circled link (See Below) to configure “EpsonNet Config for TM-i” in the printer’s administration web app:

At which point you should see something similar to the below; please click the circled link, “Server Direct Print”:

At this point you should see something like the following, which is the result of these actions:

1. Select “Enable” from the top dropdown menu

2. Enter this URL into the Server1 URL field:

○ Enter 120 into the Server1 Interval field

3. Enter the serial number into the ID field

○  The serial number is pre-populated already in the Name field, and is required there

○  The serial number is also required in the ID field, though it is not pre-populated, so you can copy (NOT cut) and paste the serial from the Name field into the ID field

4. Enter the password provided by Powerhouse Dynamics into the Password field

5. Leave all other fields at their default settings

click “Apply & Restart”
Order slips including QR codes for loading the orders should now print upon order creation.