CE - View All Alert Subscriptions

CE - View All Alert Subscriptions

This section is similar to Manage Subscriptions in that it shows which users are subscribed to which types of alerts. The key distinction is that this section will show each individual instance of an alert that a user is subscribed to, not just which categories they’re subscribed to. Also, users cannot be subscribed or unsubscribed from alerts in this section.  

The View All Subscriptions section is most useful when identifying which users may be getting overloaded with alerts and identifying ways to consolidate alert subscriptions. Too many alerts, and you risk losing sight of critical insights in the quantity of alerts or having them be ignored altogether. Too few alerts, and you may miss out on actionable items. For example, if you setup every user with a subscription to an offline alert, that may be overdoing it. Perhaps the subscribed users can be reduced down to those that are at the location, so only individuals that can impact the alert are notified. Higher level users can then review the status account-wide at the Spotlight periodically.

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