Frequently Asked Questions
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  • Frequently Asked Questions

    I cannot login to the system/my password has expired

    Please see our articles on Logging In and Password Resets.

    I’ve stopped receiving all reports/alerts or am unable to see any information on my system while logged in

    Please see our article for Missing Reports/Alerts. If the steps in there do not work, it’s likely that your Gateway and/or SAP have fallen offline. Please see our troubleshooting articles or contact us for assistance.

    I received replacement or additional equipment that I need to get registered to my site

    Please contact us for assistance so that we can ensure all devices are operating as expected

    My HVAC Technician/Electrician said I need a new piece of equipment

    Please have your technician contact us so that we can verify a replacement is needed and start the order or warranty replacement process.

    My store is getting too hot/cold

    Please see our Changing Thermostat Setpoints article for instructions on adjusting your heating or cooling levels.

    Many corporate offices limit the setpoints of your HVAC units as well as the amount of adjustment that is able to be made. This is often set to +/- 2 degrees but varies by customer. If you find you are hitting lockout limits or are unable to adjust your thermostats, please contact us so we can verify the lockout settings for your location and assist in temporary overrides.

    If you are still not feeling higher heat or lower cooling after making adjustments, please contact us so that we can look into the issues and determine if an HVAC technician will be needed.

    My thermostat is blank/will not power on

    Please see our article on Thermostat Swap Tests in order to determine if an HVAC technician is needed on site.


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