Thermostat System Status Indicators
System Status Indicators
When the main thermostat screen is displayed, the on-screen labels indicate the following.
System Operation mode indicator
"SYS OFF" displayed > System is OFF
"SYS MOT"1 displayed > System is OFF and Minimum Off Time (MOT) delay On is active
"HEAT ON" displayed> System is ON and heating
"COOL ON" displayed > System is ON and cooling
"HEAT MRT"2 displayed> System is ON and heating. Minimum Run Time (MRT) delay off
is active.
"COOL MRT" displayed > System is ON and cooling. Minimum Run Time (MRT) delay off
is active.
Staging display
"2nd Stg" displayed > Stage 2 heating or cooling is ON
"Aux Heat" displayed> Stage 3 heating is ON
For Heat Pump systems only: "EHEAT" > emergency heat mode active
Home/Away display
Home mode is active (current setpoints are being used)
Away setback mode is active (setback setpoints are being used)
System Alerts
Alert Text displayed> Specific alert text (Filter or Maintenance Timer)