This section of Admin functionality is used to send down any non-menu files that are accepted by your connected equipment. To begin, click Upload File just above the table as shown in the image below.
You will then be prompted to select the Equipment Type, Brand, and Model of the equipment that will be allowed to receive this file. Once that is completed, please provide a File Name. Note that certain types of equipment have their own criteria for what is an acceptable File Name. Please refer to your local vendor for specifics, but generally a 12 character or less name without special characters will be accepted by all devices. The Description and Version sections are viewable in the Available Files tab and are there to help with organization.
Once all the fields are filled out, click on File to Upload and select the appropriate file from your computer or USB. Select Upload to add the file to the Available Files tab and have it selectable from the menu above the table.
Once completed, select the equipment you want to send the file to from the table. Then fill out the section above the table titled Choose File to Distribute and select Send File.