This is the most important element in the header field. It is used to identify the equipment that is communicating with Open Kitchen.
e.g. "_src": ["036334d0b8df1f05", "23334d0b8df1898"]
The _src field is an array with two elements. The first element is the device id of the actual piece of equipment, and the second element is the device id of the ConnectWare module used to transmit the information to the cloud.
_src[0] consists of a 4 digit "MODEL_ID", in the example 0363 which defines the equipment type sending the data. The reset of the string is a unique identifier which defines the individual piece of equipment. Typically, the unique identifier is a serial number or MAC address. It is essential that this device_id be unique and properly provisioned. If the equipment requires this id to be manually entered by a technician or factory personnel, it must be entered before connecting to Open Kitchen.
_src[1] is the unique identifier of the ConnectWare module used to pass the data to the cloud. In the case of Virtual ConnectWare, where the data is passed directly from the equipment, this field is provided as the equipment device_id prefixed with "0003". E.g. "_src": ["036334d0b8df1f05", ["000334d0b8df1f05"].
"_cmd": "wr" indicates whether this is a read or write command.
"_id" : 10018 provides a sequence number of a message that can be used to match responses from requests.
"_ts": "2022-05-03T20:34:08.111147Z". This field is critical for all time series data. It represents the time that data was received from the equipment. It is an ISO 8601 UTC date/time.
The crc is a check code used to validate the integrity of the message.