

When looking at a particular piece of equipment, Highlights will be the tab you are first directed to. You can rename your equipment by clicking on the pencil icon to the right of its name. Similar to the location view, you can select Manage Widgets on the far right to limit the widgets shown, save a default configuration, or save an arrangement of the widgets after you click and drag them to the positions you want. Please note that each type of equipment may have a different selection of available widgets.  




Many widgets will have three dots stacked vertically in the upper right corner. Clicking on these dots will let you change what appears in the widgets, export the data, or remove it from view. The options available will vary depending on what equipment you have connected. Notes for some of the widgets are included below. 

  • Current Issues: Displays any active alerts that apply to this equipment. 

  • Issues Past 7 Days: Shows any alerts that have triggered for the last 7 days and highlights times when the alerts were active. 

  • Issues Past 30 Days: Consists of a list of all alerts that triggered in the last 30 days. Clicking on an alert will display additional information related to possible causes, suggested troubleshooting steps, and other items such as charts when available.  

  • Utilization Past Week: Displays what % of time in hours the equipment has been in various states for the past week. States could include Offline, Auto, Standby, Other, etc. as an example. 

  • Product Mix Past Week: Shows a count of each product cooked/served/generated by the equipment over the past week and separates them by daypart (such as Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner). Dayparts are customized in the Admin – Account section.  

  • Current Readings: Displays a list of different parameters for equipment associated with the equipment. Please use the three dots in the upper right to customize what is shown. 

  • Key Indicators: Similar to Current Readings, but it will display the information as a gauge/range instead of only displaying the current value.  

  • At a Glance: This will show an infographic that represents your equipment. Placing your cursor over pieces of the image will give you a related status. An example is included below for a Taylor shake machine. Placing your cursor over the green rectangles at the top of the image will show Left/Right Mix Full. Hovering over the Snowflake image will state that the device is in Auto mode. The At a Glance widget will be unique for each type of equipment when it is available.




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