ID: Identifier number exported for existing component. It must be blank for new items to be imported
sensor_type_model_id: Model ID according to MODEL_ID in Family page
sensor_output_index: ID of a parameter that is used to be the signal of a component run time
Model Name: optional, only for display
Component Name: Name of a physical component to be displayed in Component Remaining Life widget
Lifetime Value: Number representing a component life
Lifetime Unit: Cycles or Hours of the Lifetime Value number
Scaling: Factor to be used for calculating run time
Resettable: Flag to allow a component to be reset in Open Kitchen User Interface
0: non-resettable. That means there is no user interaction in Open Kitchen that can reset this component. It must be reset by the equipment
1: resettable in Open Kitchen by setting a record of 0 run time in Open Kitchen Database. There is user interfact interface in Open Kitchen that allows user to reset the component life cycle after it has been replaced in the equipment
2: unused currently and reserved for future use (Example: resettable in Open Kitchen without recording 0 in Open Kitchen Database and sending reset command to equipment)