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A standard, extensible, and interoperable kitchen management platform.

OpenKitchen Equipment (OKE)

A physical asset that is connected to and compatible with the OpenKitchen Cloud, and that will usually include an external ConnectWare Module.

OpenKitchen Cloud (OKC)

A cloud-based set of computing resources that provide interfaces to send and receive OpenKitchen Messages to and from OpenKitchen Equipment.

ConnectWare Module (CWM)

Supplemental hardware for equipment vendors that enables and simplifies OpenKitchen compatibility while limiting changes to equipment hardware and firmware.


A standard, extensible, human readable syntax for encoding structured data.

OpenKitchen Message (OKM)

A valid, well-formed JSON message that follows the semantic rules of this specification.

Telemetry Store and Forward Queue (TSFQ)

A non-volatile first in first out (FIFO) queue that holds OpenKitchen Messages to be transmitted to the OpenKitchen Cloud. Messages are only removed when they are confirmed delivered to the OpenKitchen Cloud.

Priority Store and Forward Queue (PSFQ)

A non-volatile first in first out (FIFO) queue that holds OpenKitchen Messages to be transmitted to the OpenKitchen Cloud that are delivered ahead of messages in the Telemetry Store and Forward Queue. Messages are removed without confirmed delivery to the OpenKitchen Cloud.

Inbound Store and Forward Queue (ISFQ)

A non-volatile first in first out (FIFO) queue that holds OpenKitchen Messages received from the OpenKitchen cloud. Messages are removed after they are delivered successfully to the OpenKitchen Equipment.


A set of one or more OpenKitchen Messages generated by OpenKitchen Equipment containing a snapshot of equipment telemetry data. Heartbeats are always periodic and may be event triggered.

ConnectWare Client Library (CWL)

A cross-platform software library for embedded systems delivered as C source code for OpenKitchen Equipment that implements this specification’s requirements and that provides hooks for vendor specific extensions.


A programmatic machine to machine interface that uses the standard HTTP protocol to pass structured data elements between a client and server. Within OpenKitchen, the equipment is the HTTP client and the cloud is the HTTP server. OpenKitchen Messages are the passed structured data elements.


A reliable, secure, mesh network using a 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4 compatible radio designed for and deployed in challenging commercial RF environments.

PowerHouse IoT Gateway

A device having both WiFi and Ethernet interfaces that interfaces the OpenKitchen Cloud with MiWi enabled OpenKitchen Equipment.