The configuration consists of the following steps.
The customer network needs to duplicate duplicates two interfaces that are equivalent to a PhD’s SAP:
The credential of this interface is known by all ConnectWare modules. The public interface only provides access to the provisioning endpoint (either one of the followings: provision.sitesage.net or sprovision.sitesage.net or sprovisiondev.sitesage.net or provisiondev.sitesage.net). This connection uses port 443. This interface should be configured as “hidden” network for security.
MAC address of the network gateway of the secure SSID that ConnectWare Modules and Equipment connect. All messages sent to Open Kitchen include a parameter labeled as gwmac carrying this MAC address. If there are multiple gateways at one location, all gwmac(s) should be provided to Open Kitchen
Open Kitchen maintains a mapping table of locations and gwmac(s) which will be used to automatically associate equipment to a specific location
Bind an Access Point (
Provisioning API
Access to the API is via a RESTful call to https://provision.sitesage.net or
https://provisiondev.sitesage.net using a x509 certificate key pair (customer cert provided by PhD (cert and key)) for security.
The API call follows the form:
gwmac, ssid, psk can be submitted via https REST API, JSON payload
Using Open Kitchen UI to create AP
AP) to a Location in Open Kitchen Web Application
Log into Open Kitchen https://ok.sitesage.net (https://okdev.sitesage.net in Development)
Navigate to the location where the Access Point is to be bound, and go to Connectivity tab. Use ‘+ Add AP’ button to open ‘Add AP’ diaglog box to configure Access Point
Click Save after information has been entered for Access Point
Update Access Point (AP) in Open Kitchen Web Application
An existing Access Point (AP) can have its credential updated in Open Kitchen.
Log into Open Kitchen https://ok.sitesage.net (https://okdev.sitesage.net in Development)
Navigate to the location where the Access Point is bound, and go to Connectivity tab.
Select the AP image in the Connectivity page
Automatic Access Point Configuration dialog box opens for update. MAC address of Default Gateway must not be changed, thus it is not editable.
Click Update after information has been entered for Access Point
Update Access Point (AP) using APIs
Coming soon