This thermostat is compatible with most HVAC systems, including the following:
24VAC systems Note: requires both the 24R and 24C (common) wires
Standard gas/oil/electric heating systems
1 stage heating and cooling
2 stage heating and cooling
Heat Pump systems:
1 stage heating and cooling
2 stage heating and cooling
2nd or 3rd stage Auxiliary heating (heat strips)
Do NOT use for line voltage controls (120/240VAC)
Stop! Before removing your existing thermostat do the following:
Take a picture of the original wires and terminal connections
Label the wires with the terminal markings on the old thermostat
Record old thermostat terminals and the wire color connected to them below
Standard System Wiring
Terminal Marking | Meaning | Typical Wire Color May be different!!! Take a picture! | Record the old thermostat wire color that was connected to the terminal |
C | 24VAC Common | Blue |
R | 24VAC Return | Red |
G | Fan | Green |
W or W1 | Heat stage 1 | White |
Y or Y1 | Cool stage 1 | Yellow |
W2 | Heat stage 2 | Orange |
Y2 | Cool stage 2 | Black |
Heat Pump Wiring
Terminal Marking | Meaning | Typical Wire Color May be different!!! Take a picture! | Record the old thermostat wire color that was connected to the terminal |
C | 24VAC Common | Blue |
R | 24VAC Return | Red |
G | Fan | Green |
W or W1 | Aux Heat | White |
Y or Y1 | Compressor stage 1 | Yellow |
O (or B*) | Change Over Valve | Orange (brown*) |
Y2 | Compressor stage 2 | Black |
* If you have a terminal marked “B” with a brown wire attached to it, that means you have a changeover (C/O) with heating type heat pump system. Be sure to set the change over type in the Installer Settings menu to C/O Type: w/Heat. Otherwise leave it set to w/Cool.
Standard Gas/Electric HVAC System Wiring
Thermostat back
Thermostat Setup:
Standard Gas/Electric HVAC Systems To set the HVAC system type, go to the Thermostat Info screen
and press Setup button
Type. Set the HVAC System Type: set to Gas/Elec
Fan Type. Set the HVAC Fan Type:
Set to Gas for typical gas furnace (fan is controlled by the furnace)
Set to Elec for electric heat (fan call with heat call)C/O type. Not used for standard systems. Ignore this setting.
2nd Stage Heat. Enable second stage heating outputs
If you have a single stage heating system, leave this set to N
If you have a 2 stage heating system, set to Y to enable.Aux Heat (HP). Not used for standard systems. Ignore this setting
2nd Stage Cool. Enable second stage cooling outputs
If you have a single stage cooling system, leave this set to N.
If you have a two stage cooling system, set to Y to enable.
Default Setup: · Gas/Elec · Gas Heat · 1 Stage heating · 1 Stage cooling
No setup required for this configuration
Heat Pump HVAC System Wiring
To set the HVAC system type, go to the Thermostat Info screen
and press Setup button.
Type. Set the HVAC System Type: set to Heat Pump
Fan Type. Automatically set for heat pump systems. Ignore this setting.
C/O type. Change Over (reversing) Valve Type. Heat pumps change from heating to cooling by reversing operation.
You must configure the thermostat’s changeover valve setting to work correctly with your HVAC system.
Check your system information to be sure and note the color of original thermostat wire and the terminal it was connected to.
No matter what the old stat connection was (O or B), connect the wire to the thermostats W2/O terminal.
The setting of the C/O Type will set the correct system operation.
For change over with cool systems (Orange wire, O terminal): set C/O type to w/cool (most common and default setting)
For change over with heat systems (Brown wire, B terminal): set C/O type to w/heat2nd Stage Heat. Enable second stage heating outputs
If you have a single stage heating system, leave this set to N
If you have a 2 stage heating system, set to Y to enable.Aux Heat (HP). If you have auxiliary heat strips, set this to Y to enable.
2nd Stage Cool. Enable second stage cooling outputs
If you have a single stage cooling system, leave this set to N.
If you have a two stage cooling system, set to Y to enable.
Note! If you get heating when you expected cooling, change the C/O type to the opposite setting.
Installation Setup
Before operating the system, the HVAC System Type must be setup in the Installer Settings/System Settings/Mechanical Settings Menu!
If the HVAC system has Electric heat or is a Heat Pump system, then the Mechanical Settings must be changed to match. Go to the Installer Settings Menu to complete the HVAC setup.
HVAC System Setup
In the Installer Settings main menu, us the down arrow button to scroll down to the System Settings menu item and press Select.
2nd Stage Cool Enables the 2nd Stage Cooling operation Options: Y or N Default: N
Other Installer Settings
The Installer Settings Menu includes other HVAC operation settings that can customize the thermostat for the installation. CAUTION: these settings affect HVAC system operation and should only be changed by qualified HVAC service technicians.
Installer Settings Menu Items
Display Lock Options: Y or N Default: N Y = Display LOCKED N = Display UNLOCKED
Y= Test mode on. Reduces all delays to 10 sec for quicker system testing N= Test mode off. Normal system delays
CAUTION: in test mode all system safety delays are shorten. Do not operate the system compressor in test mode. Disconnect Y1 or Y2 outputs if using test mode on a live system.
System Settings Submenu: Sets the HVAC operational settings below
Press No to exit and not restore defaults
Installer Settings Summary
Setting | Range | Default |
Display Lock | Y or N | N | Locks out front buttons |
Service Mode Submenu |
Test Mode | Y or N | N | Reduces delays for testing |
System Settings Submenu |
Mechanical Settings Submenu |
Sys Type | Std or HP | Std |
Fan Type | Gas or Elec | Gas |
C/O Type | w/Heat or w/Cool | w/Cool |
2nd Stage Heat | Y or N | N |
Aux Heat | Y or N | Y |
2nd Stage Cool | Y or N | N |
H/C Delta | 3 – 15 deg | 3 |
Heat Delta Stage 1 On | 1 – 8 | 1 |
Heat Delta Stage 1 Off | 0 – 8 | 0 |
Heat Delta Stage 2 On | 1 – 8 | 2 |
Heat Delta Stage 2 Off | 0 – 8 | 0 |
Heat Delta Stage 3 On | 1 – 8 | 3 |
Heat Delta Stage 3 Off | 0 – 8 | 0 |
Cool Delta Stage 1 On | 1 – 8 | 1 |
Cool Delta Stage 1 Off | 0 – 8 | 0 |
Cool Delta Stage 2 On | 1 – 8 | 2 |
Cool Delta Stage 2 Off | 0 – 8 | 0 |
Max Heat SP | 40-109F (4-42C) | 90F |
Min Cool SP | 44-113F (6-45C) | 60F |
Min Run Time | 1-9 min | 3 |
Min Off Time | 1-9 min | 5 |
Temp Response | 1-6 | 2 |
Remote Sensors Submenu |
RS1 Type (curve type) | Curve A, Type 2, Type 3 | Type 3 |
RS2 Type (curve type) | Curve A, Type 2, Type 3 | Type 3 |
RS2 Location (Indoors or Outdoors) | In, Out | In |
Restore Defaults (factory defaults) | Yes or No | No | Exit = no |
Filter Service Submenu |
Service Interval | Disabled, 100-4000 hrs | 300 |
Maint Service Submenu |
Maint Interval | Disabled, 100-4000 hrs | 3000 |
Screen Timeout (to minimized screen) | 0, 20-120 sec | 0 | 0 = off , will not timeout |
RH Setpoint | 40-70% | 50% |
F/C Settings | F or C | F |
Sensor Calibration Submenu | Internal -7 to +7 | 0 |
Backlite/Display Submenu |
Backlight Timeout | 0, 20-120 | 0 | 0 = backlite off |
Backlight On Brightness | 0-100% | 100% |
Backlight Off Brightness | 0-100% | 0% |
Contrast | 0-20 | 12 |
Connection to Mi-Wi Network
This thermostat is designed to connect to the SiteSage Gateway using the Mi-Wi wireless
protocol. The Gateway will automatically detect a thermostat and initiate the connection.
It is critical that the MAC address of the thermostat is mapped to the name of the zone served by the thermostat. The Thermostat MAC address can be found in the Mi-Wi Network menu option (the last
one in the list of options shown when the Menu Button is selected.
Operation Guide Model TM46 SiteSage Thermostat
If the System Mode is OFF, pressing either the Up or Down buttons will take you to the System Mode screen. You must first set an operating mode before you can set or change the setpoint.
To change the Heat Setpoint you must be in the Heating mode, to change the Cool Setpoint you must be in the Cooling mode. If you are in Auto mode, the mode of the last system call will be the setpoint screen displayed.
Setpoint Push: Note that you cannot lower the cooling setpoint below the heating setpoint. The thermostat will “push” the heating setpoint lower if you try to lower the cooling setpoint below the heating setpoint. It maintains a 3 degree separation between the heating and cooling setpoint. The same is true for raising the heating setpoint above the cooling setpoint. Again the thermostat will “push” the cooling setpoint up to maintain the 3 degree separation.
Setting the System Mode: Off, Heat, Cool, Auto
System Modes
OFF: System is off. No heating or cooling will come on. If system was on, it will turn off immediately.
HEATING: Only heating will occur.
COOLING: Only cooling will occur.
AUTO: Heating or cooling will come on according to the heating and cooling setpoints. The system will automatically switch between heating and cooling modes as needed to maintain the setpoints.
Special Heat Pump Mode: Emergency Heat
EHEAT: An additional system mode, “EHEAT” for Emergency Heat will be displayed if the HVAC system type is set to Heat Pump. If there is a compressor failure with the Heat Pump system, setting the mode to EHEAT will allow the supplemental Aux heat to come on first whenever there is a call for heating. It also disables the compressor output to prevent further damage to the HVAC system.
Setting Fan Mode and System Status Indicators
AUTO FAN: Fan automatically operated by the HVAC system.
FAN ON: Manual Fan mode. Fan stays on until mode is changed back to Auto.
Optional Fan Mode
Fan Cycler. If the Fan Cycler feature is enabled in the Installer Setup, the additional fan mode “Cycle” will be shown in the Fan Mode menu. This mode cycles the fan on and off continuously for fresh air ventilation according to the settings in the Installer Setup.
System Status Indicators
When the main thermostat screen is displayed, the on-screen labels indicate the following.
System Operation mode indicator
“SYS OFF” displayed > System is OFF
“COOL MRT” displayed > System is ON and cooling. Minimum Run Time (MRT) delay off is active.
Staging display
“2nd Stg” displayed > Stage 2 heating or cooling is ON “Aux Heat” displayed > Stage 3 heating is ON
For Heat Pump systems only: “EHEAT” > emergency heat mode active
Home/Away display
Home mode is active (current setpoints are being used)
Away setback mode is active (setback setpoints are being used)
System Alerts
Alert Text displayed > Specific alert text (Filter or Maintenance Timer)
Menu Selection
Main Menu Items
Schedules > Optional, used to view and set programmable schedules
User Settings > set various user preferences
Away Setpoints > show and set the heating and cooling setback setpoints
Thermostat Info > displays thermostat setup info
MiWi Network Info > shows network information
Schedules is an optional menu item. It will only show up in the menu list if “Schedules” is enabled in the Installer settings for the thermostat. Provides for local schedule control. The Schedules Screen allows you to review and set the setback schedule for the thermostat. The thermostat has a 4 x 7 schedule. Four times a day can be selected for changes to the heating and cooling setpoints. Each day of the week can have a different schedule. Groups of days can be copied with the same schedule. When the thermostat is set to “Run” mode, the schedule will be executed daily, with the setpoints being changed as per that days schedule stored in the thermostat. “Hold” mode stops schedule operation and holds the current setpoints until changed manually or by network commands.
The Schedules Screen gives you the option of setting a custom setback schedule or to load one of two preset schedules.
Menu Options
Heat and Cool: You can change the individual day/hour and setpoints for the Heating and Cooling schedule by selecting this menu item.
Preset: Comfort: This is a preset schedule with mild setbacks. Select this menu item to load the Comfort schedule into the thermostat. Confirmation screen will be displayed for Yes/No entry.
Preset: EnergyMiser: This is a preset schedule with deeper setbacks. Select this menu item to load the EnergyMiser schedule into the thermostat. Confirmation screen will be displayed for Yes/No entry.
Day Schedule Screen
When you select the Heat and Cool Schedule menu item, the “day” schedule programming screen opens and the
To copy a days schedule to another day or group of days, move the cursor to “C” on the bottom right of the schedule screen. When you highlight the “c”, the button below will become “Copy”. Press this button to change to the Copy Schedule Screen.
Copy Schedule Screen
The Copy Schedule screen is a sub screen of the Schedule screen.
First select the day to be copied in the Schedule screen.
Scroll to the “c” at the bottom of the Schedule screen to highlight it. The “Next” button will change to the “Copy” button.
Press the “Copy” button to open the Copy Schedule screen.
Scroll through the days and select the days you want to copy the schedule to by setting the “N” under each day to “Y” by using the Yes/No buttons.
After selecting all the days desired, press the “COPY” button.
Exit the Copy Schedule screen with the “DONE” button.
User Settings Menu Items
Set Clock > go to the clock setting screen
Filter Service > go to the filter timer setup screen
Maint Service > go to the maintenance timer setup screen
Screen Timeout > sets the time in seconds to switch to the minimized screen
RH Setpoint > Setpoint for RH control
F/C Settings > go to the F/C mode selection screen
Sensor Calibration > go to the sensor calibration screen
Backlight/Display > go to the backlight and display setup screen
When finished, press the SET button to return to the Main Menu screen or wait for screen to timeout.
! If the clock has been reset by an extended power outage, the Clock display on the thermostat screen will be blinking. Pressing the MENU button will take you directly to this screen to set the clock.
Filter Service: Go to the Filter Service Screen. Sets/resets the filter timer/alert. Shows filter runtime in hours and the service interval alert in hours (typically 300 hrs) Change the service interval with the +/- buttons.
When the Sensor Calibration screen is selected it will show the current temperature being displayed on screen and the current number of degrees of offset being applied (typically 0). If the sensor’s actual temp is (75) with 0 degrees of offset and you want it to display 76, then press “+” to add 1 deg and it will indicate (76) in the display with 1 deg offset.
! You can refresh the info on this screen by pressing the right hand (blank) button.
When you close this screen, it may take a few seconds for the temperature displayed on the main thermostat screen to update to the new temperature selected.
Sensor Calibration Internal (75) 0 Remote 1 (78) 1 Remote 2 n/a 0 Outside n/a 0
Done + -
Backlite/Display:Go totheBacklite/Displaysettings screen.This menuallows youtoset the backlight timeout period and adjust the display contrast.
Contrast: Sets the contrast level of the LCD display, adjustable from 0 to 20. Use this control to adjust the sharpness of the display. To light and the display looks faded, too dark and dark lines will appear in the display. Typically 10-15 is a good setting. Adjust as needed.
Away Setpoints
Away setpoints are used when the thermostat is set to the setback or away mode.
Thermostat Info
The Thermostat Info screen displays the current configuration of the thermostat. This information is useful for quick check of firmware versions and HVAC system setup.
Thermostat - Model and firmware version number.
System Type - Standard or Heat Pump HVAC system
Fan Type – if HVAC type = Standard: Gas or Elect
Changeover – if HVAC type = Heat Pump: Changeover with cool or changeover with heat.
Setup Button (not labeled on screen)
To setup the thermostat to work with your HVAC system, press and hold the “Setup” button. This will take you to the installation setup screen. See installation instructions for proper settings.
Status Button (not labeled on screen)
Press and hold this button. A system status screen will show the output status of the thermostat relays.
Done Button
Press Done to exit the thermostat Info screen back to the main menu.
Mi-Wi Network Info and Thermostat Name
The MiWi Network Info screen displays the current configuration of the network. The information displayed is:
Once registered at the name given to the thermostat in the SiteSage software appears at the top of the thermostat on the home screen.
Thermostat Operation
Minimum Run Time (MRT)
The thermostat has a Minimum Run Time after the start of any heating or cooling call.
Note: The MRT status is shown in the thermostat System Status on-screen labels.
Minimum Off Time (MOT)
The thermostat has a Minimum Off Time after any heating or cooling call is finished. This delay prevents rapid heating/cooling cycles and also provides “short cycle protection” for compressor calls. This delay may be noticeable when you change a setpoint and it does not respond immediately due to another call that has recently completed and the MOT delay timer is preventing the system from restarting. The MOT delay time can be adjusted in the Installer Settings menu of the thermostat. There is a minimum of 5 minutes delay to assure compressor protection.
Note: The MOT status is shown in the thermostat System Status on-screen labels.
Remote Sensors
The thermostat has two remote temperature sensor inputs.
Remote sensor configurations
| Sensors Used |
| |||
Remote Sensors attached | Internal | RS1 | RS2 Type IN | RS2 Type OUT | Sensor Function |
None | X |
| Use internal sensor for room temperature |
RS1 |
| X |
| Use RS1 sensor for room temperature. Internal sensor not used |
RS2 | X |
| X |
| Average internal sensor with RS2 sensor and use the average for room temperature |
RS1 and RS2 |
| X | X |
| Average RS1 and RS2 sensors and use the average for room temperature |
RS2 | X |
| X | Internal sensor used for room temperature RS2 sensor used for outside temperature |
RS1 and RS2 |
| X |
| X | RS1 sensor used for room temperature RS2 sensor used for outside temp temperature |
Viewing Remote Sensor Temperatures
The actual temperatures being reported by the remote sensors can be viewed in the Sensor Calibration Screen in the Main Menu/User Settings menu item.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.